SHARE is the monthly magazine of Alcoholics Anonymous and it's a vital sobriety tool. Produced by members for members this accessible and contemporary magazine is our 'meeting between meetings', giving you the chance to share with other members you may never meet. Subscribing and contributing to the magazine is great service. In fact writing an article for Share is the TwelfthStep in action.
As well as being a good way for newcomers to identify with others and learn about AA, Share is a real lifeline for people who aren't able to get to meetings. And, of course, it's an invaluable source of information on AA groups and events across the country and beyond.
Each issue is made up of a wide variety of articles, letters, information and graphics. All this comes from the Fellowship: without it the magazine would not exist.
Ideas for articles:
- my darkest hour
- what step x means to me
- what tradition x means to me
- how my life has changed since I stopped drinking
- how I help others and how service keeps me sober
- how I found my Higher Power
- an open mind opens the door
- why I am grateful
- willingness
- articles can be up to 1,000 words
- please stick to the theme
- write about your experience of the topic
- don't worry about spelling or grammar, the editors will take care of that
- each monthly issue corresponds with a step and tradition: January, Step 1, February, Step 2 ....
- submit your article two months in advance e.g. an article on Step 5 (May) should be submitted in March
More information is available here: Members/Fellowship magazines/Share
To submit an article, purchase a copy or subscribe to Share please write to SHARE, PO Box 1, 10 Toft Green, York, YO1 7NJ, email Caroline Davey, or call 0190 464 4026.
Annual subscription: £12 (includes postage). Pay 40-47-31, 63930408 referencing your name.