Young people
How we work with others
The YPLO will be someone who came into AA at the age of 30 or younger, and so will have experience of getting sober at a young age, the better to relate to the particular problems faced by young people seeking to live sober. They should have a good working knowledge of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and the AA Service and Structure Handbooks GB. YPLOs will work closely with other service officers, in particular those in Public Information. The main tasks of YPLOs will include:
- receiving and answering email, telephone and other enquiries from young people
- sharing experience, strength and hope about getting sober at a young age
- assisting Public Information Liaison Officers with presentations where the audience is likely to include a significant proportion of young people, e.g. talks to schools, universities and young offenders’ institutions
- helping to develop PI material which will carry a clear message to young people
- developing contact lists of those who came into AA at or before the age of 30 who are available and willing to assist with talks, 12-step calls and other service to help, in particular, young people
- encouraging young people to enter into all aspects of service (where the recommended qualifications for sobriety are met). Younger people are needed in all service disciplines, in part to ensure that the perspective of young people is represented
- supporting AA activities such as workshops, conventions and PI events aimed at young alcoholics both within and outside the YPLO’s intergroup or region
- participating in the work of the General Service Board’s Young People’s Project Team
- establish close working relations with other service posts, in particular the Public Information Officer
- report to each intergroup meeting to keep intergroup informed on a regular basis
- send a copy of your intergroup reports to the Regional YPLO to keep them informed of developments in the intergroup
- attend regional workshops when available, and keep in contact with the Regional Liaison Officer